Making a good broadcast package filled with good interviews, attention grabbing video, and quality content isn't easy. I have about a minute and a half to relay as much information as I can before people get distracted. I have been genuinely interested in almost every story I've reported on, thus giving me the extra human interest element. My curiosity has lead to me to see vast improvements since my first broadcast package.
This feature won an Excellent at the 2014 National Convention in Washington, D.C.
This project was the very first project I ever helped with in the broadcast class. My mentor, Kat Morrison, introduced me to Final Cut and the process by which to edit and put together a good video package. I took all the information she relayed to me and it assisted me to create good stories with valuable content.
Kenna Skoric Exchange Project
Aired: October 16, 2014
Total Running Time: 3:01

Emma Berry Feature
Aired: January 16, 2015
I was a sophomore when I produced this story for our show. It was also my first solo story and having to scheduling the interview, obtain the b-roll, and write voice overs on my own.
For my first project alone, this video isn't terrible. The audio, in both the interview and voice over, is within the correct range. The interview is slightly out of focus, but it's not as noticeable as I originally thought. The microphone cord is over her shirt, when it should've been under. Ever since I filmed this, I learned from it and taught others from my mistakes.
Total Running Time: 1:43
This feature won a Superior at the 2016 National Convention in Los Angeles
Personally, this is one of my favorite and best pieces I've ever created. Coletta "Pie Lady" Kewitt has been making pies for the community of Cody for over 10 years, so producing a feature on her pies and the impact she made on her friends and family was a no brainer.
Obtaining b-roll was difficult because she was moving at such a fast speed, so most of the shots had to be stabilized in the editing process. The majority of her interview was dark because I interviewed her at an area in her house where it was visible when the sun went behind clouds. For this reason, most of her interview was covered with b-roll.
Pie Lady
Aired: March 22, 2016
Total Running Time: 2:15

Total Running Time: 2:00
Cody vs. Powell
Aired: April 20, 2016
In this story, we were fortunate enough to interview former Wyoming Senator Al Simpson, a CHS graduate of 1949, to obtain his version of the Cody and Powell rivalry decades ago. His interview set this story a part from other sports videos. We attempted to interview students from both Cody and Powell at the basketball game, but the background noise was very loud causing our the audio in the interviews to be blown out. Having a standup interview with the game in the background would've made this story stronger.
I really like the introduction to this video because it shows the viewers the place where senior Zeta Eirtree will spend a portion of her summer. I wish I changed the area of her interview as the cars behind her do not match the mood of the piece. To me, this is a very strong piece because I had to inform others about Zeta's trip without any voice overs. This video opened the eyes of numerous CHS students regarding the incredible opportunities available to us.
Zeta's IVHQ Trip
Aired: May 13, 2016
Total Running Time: 2:44

Amber Peabody Feature
Aired: September 22, 2016
Total Running Time: 1:34
Beginning last July, Amber Peabody was promoted and became the News Editor at the Cody Enterprise. I chose this story because growing up I always looked for her name in the paper because she reported on all the Cody schools sports and other activities.
Amber's necklace was hitting against the microphone making it sound like her mouth was extremely dry. I made the assumption her office would be somewhat decorated, but as you can see it wasn't, so I should've moved her interview elsewhere.
Voice of Democracy
Aired: October 13, 2016
Total Running Time: 2:06
Senior Elisha Smith has been writing for the Voice of Democracy since 6th grade. She had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to represent Wyoming. This story encouraged a staggering amount of students to write for the Voice of Democracy. A senior from Cody is currently on the road to potentially win state and travel to Washington, D.C.
I had trouble lighting Elisha because she is light skinned. The best 3 point lighting placement I found left a shadow on the upper part of her nose caused by her eyelashes. I wish I interviewed her in a place that made the story stronger.
Total Video Run Time: 14:42

I'm not a fan of anchoring, as I am a slightly awkward person. Yet, in my two times anchoring I have seen vast improvements, whether my success is attributed to my lack of awkward qualities or anchoring with a partner.
Aired: February 3, 2016
Total Running Time: 8 seconds
Anchors set the mood for each story. If the anchors are interested the viewers will be interested and vice versa. My first time anchoring was terrible. I was slouched over reading the teleprompter, void of any emotion.
Aired: September 22, 2016
Total Running Time: 8 seconds
Anchoring with a partner, especially one you're comfortable with is crucial. I was more at ease and talked with emotion, therefore grabbing the viewers attention. I was sitting straight which helped us look more professional.
Total Video Run Time: 14:58