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As a journalist, I know to surf various channels like CNN and Fox News to balance out the bias within each agency. I also know to use credible sources when doing research. This mindset has lead me to double and triple check facts between numerous sources to verify I'm reporting and producing the best quality journalism.

Guns on Campus? I think not.

My editorial on concealed weapons on college campuses required immense research and fact checking. I used sites like the National Rifle Association and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to obtain facts supporting my opinion. I also talked to our school's Resource Officer and asked more questions, particularly ones that had multiple answers online. This editorial required copious amounts of fact checking because Wyoming is very gun friendly. One wrong statement and I would be annihilated by all the Wyoming gun carriers.

Yuda Bands

I was incredibly excited when my student council approached me about making a video promoting the Yuda Band Project. I knew nothing about the campaign, but I was surprised that the school group saw my quality work and asked me to promote their fundraiser. Prior to beginning the video, I had to attend student council meetings, pre-sale meetings, and advertising meetings to establish what, when, and where the bands would be sold. From there, I had to do my own research about the project and what they did for poverty stricken students. My written piece and video helped publicize the fundraiser, helping my student council reach their goal, but more importantly, helped Rian attend school. 

Proudly created by Jessica Morales. © 2017

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